I'm being a good girl keeping up to my blogs and typing what i need to~ I have decided that i enjoy typing it like how i did in my last post and it's so much easier for not only me but anyone who visits 'bloggie'. Now lets see...
28th February ~> Had the forum in my Intercultural Class again... Ms. Padma's class is eating my lunch time this particular sem! Maybe because of that baby bump there that's pretty much ruining pretty plans she made. I was practicing on my Shanghainese song which i make it sound horrible (@_@ - i am so sorry and greatly apologize to the lady who sang that song!) from a Hong Kong drama and movie i think. Well, i was also told that devaki and ashwini (i hope i did get your spelling right >_<) pronounced much better than me >_> in Mandarin. I feel so loser like okay. They are Indians. Darker skin complexion than i am and they pronounce the words better. LOLZAH. But i speak English. English is like always, okay, eg, in English, we pronounce ten (10) like tan but in Chinese, ten is pronounced as TURN or, i don't know how it sounds like but it's just not TEN TEN. So okay fine, I'll go practice on the pronunciation and singing Mandarin songs some other fine day. Later after class and practice, we (Peggie and I) again had to go down to petaling street but this time we stopped at sunway pyramid to look for the chinese round shaped and square shaped fans (not the fold-able ones). And i went to buy some cosmetics at Elianto like foundation and eye shadow. One funny thing i realized is that, i have SO MANY blue clothings but my (or the only eye shadow i have) is PINK. Stupid me. So okay fine. I finally asked a lady to show me how to apply the make up on me. Surprisingly, she did.
I asked her, "Kak, kalo nak make up camni kan," then she butt in, "Make up service?"
"Mm make up service nie kan, brape eh?"
"5o ringgit,"
And i was like, "What the fuck" She's practically giving me free make up service. I'm such a guilty person >_> and when i asked Peggie about this and she said another thing instead.
"Why are you so worried? It's customers right! You're a customer and it's your right to ask. Since you're purchasing their items,"
And i though, "Yeah i know. It's just that, it's 50 fucking bucks weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei @_@"
But i did tell them that i would include and promote Elianto as a token for making me up (-> that sounds so wrong)
And so this is how i look after i reached home~ Still going strong~ XD
Once done, we moved on to Petaling Street with the Rapid KL. Slow, not efficient but pretty reasonable. Better than nothing is guess. When we were there, we manage to get a lot of materials for our booth and cherry blossoms. Overall, it was a fruitful day.
29th February ~> GOD SAVE DIANA! (american anthem) I had like one of the worse times i have in a car. Not say the wind in my tummy, nor the sweet (pungent) smell of odor and car perfume~! GOD GRACIOUS its cigarette's >_> I have never had such a terrible time other than my tummy being too hungry before in my life. Lemme be granny Diana and tell nice story. It all began when we had to do our Chem activity which was about pollution and we did on ANTI or better known as preventions. Ya know 3R? Reuse, reduce and recycle? Yup thats it. So, lil orphanage was at Paramount, PJ and Tania,the.. was it second eldest or eldest member in the group...? Never mind. We all know that she drove since her license work better and has a car. SO we hoo-haa at the orphy and thought kids 3 to 13 about recycling and reusing materials like card boxes and plastic bottles and yada yada~ The kids were at the brink of fighting @_@ i don't blame them. They ain't got no family. No one's got all the time in the world to tell them yes and no. Then when we are finished, pictures taken, they (memeber's) threw everything they can take back into the car and drove off. First thing they said was, "I'm dying for a cigarette," And i didn't know it'll be that bad.
The last thing i knew was, a smoked car. Three girls who smoke SMOKED in the car. The driver, passenger by the driver and passenger behind the driver! The guy who were with us was a lil nerdy. But i don't know. He seems to be cool about the smoke and all. NOT me. I was gasping and dying and fighting for air, FRESH air to breathe! And the best part is, i was the last person to get off the car >_> weeee.... I did tell Tania about it. I just hope that she did mind and i wasn't offending her nor smoking. I mean, Daniel used to smoke. Right? Whatever.
So, thats the end of orphy visit.
1st March ~> Darling Daniel came over to visit me... Took the bus to Parade (Subang) and walked over to the KTM station~ Walked back to Carrefour and had my brunch.. And got my foot all wet because Daniel decided to fill my life ad not let it be empty~ I don't get why i was pretty mad... Guess it's just the, "Girls hate getting messy when they don't want to" phrase. When walking was done, took another bus down to Summit (Subang) again (back to point A). Had our tea time at the AJ Cafe which is the same floor with Popular Bookstore. After a while, daddy called and he picked us up and back home~ WEEEEEEEEEE~ Okay thats it for today. OH yea and i got my cheongsam back! NOW. To loose weight. AGAIN!
2nd March ~> Nothing particularly special happened. Just had a call from Kor that was going back to singy again... Then at night, daddy sent Daniel back to MMU... Sad night. And that was it.
3rd March ~> Moral and Malaysian Studies only lasted about 45 minutes to one hour ++ Nothing much has been absorbed~ As usual. Went to Summit (Subang) and showed Haritha the shoe i showed Daniel that he said it looked ugly! HAHA! EEVERYONE said it was cute! As long as i feel comfortable in them. And i was told to slap you with the slippers since you don't know how girls think Daniel! XD Should i~?
Thats about it for about 4 days thats been running around. I'll post up more when i get my time and feel like i want to~ Nights bloggie... Sweet dreams ya! MMMMMMMMMUax
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